Although it's been almost five months since my last post
, you should know that I am 100% committed to this blog. It's pretty simple; moms are busy. There's never enough time to get everything done. Anyway, I am back to the routine that has taken me from creatively cooking only on the outdoor grill to bulk cooking in a crock pot.
After having talking to a good friend about our outdated crock pots, a few days later she stumbled on a crock pot sale and picked up one for the both of us. Thanks girlfriend; you're the best! Thanks to my friend, I have a modernized crock pot that can be set to cook for specific times; I can enjoy this one even more. My old pot was over 20 years old and didn't have this feature. It cooked until you turned it off. I'm also thrilled about this pot, because it's BIGGER!!! Bigger means more leftovers!! Lol!! Well- maybe because it's bigger, I will have greater flexibility and can try new recipes. I was so excited that when I took it out the box, I dropped the top and broke the handle. The pot still works. I called the manufacturer to get a replacement top.
This evening I decided to try it out by cooking a whole chicken. I've never done this before, so I went to the Internet for help.
Below is a a link to a recipe that I found. It looked simple enough, I had all the ingredients, so it's in the pot cooking now. I will let you know the outcome after my family eats it tomorrow.